Jumat, Desember 30

HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible

Book Description
An essential update to the key web authoring standards of HTML, XHTML, and CSS

The existence of Web pages depends on three vital technologies: HTML (base language that Web pages are written in), XHTML (standards that define how to write HTML pages), and CSS (standard that applies formatting styles to Web pages). This new edition provides you with critical coverage of these three Web authoring standards, and places special focus on the upcoming releases of HTML 5 and CSS 3.

Serving as a tutorial and reference, this comprehensive resource explains the basic structure and necessary formatting to create a static (non-changing) and dynamic (changing) page on the Internet.

HTML, XHTML, and CSS Bible | Author: Wiley | Publication Date:(January 26, 2010)|Edition: 5 |792 pages| HF-ES-RS-DF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.com/HTML-XHTML-Bible-Steven-Schafer/dp/0470523964

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