Minggu, Januari 29

Securing SQL Server: Protecting Your Database from Attackers

Book Description .
There is a lot at stake for administrators taking care of servers, since they house sensitive data like credit cards, social security numbers, medical records, and much more. In Securing SQL Server you will learn about the potential attack vectors that can be used to break into your SQL Server database, and how to protect yourself from these attacks. Written by a Microsoft SQL Server MVP and MCM, you will learn how to properly secure your database, from both internal and external threats. Best practices and specific tricks employed by the author will also be revealed. Learn expert techniques to protect your SQL database environment.

* Author Denny Cherry is a Microsoft MVP and MCM for his expertise in the SQL Server product
* Learn expert techniques to protect your SQL database environment
* Discover how to identify what an intruder accessed or damaged

Securing SQL Server: Protecting Your Database from Attackers | 
Publisher: Syngress; 1 edition (February 14, 2011) 272 pages | PDF | Language: English
info : http://www.amazon.com/Securing-SQL-Server-Protecting-Attackers/dp/1597496251

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HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition (Complete Reference Series)

Book Description. 

The Definitive Guide to HTML & CSS--Fully Updated

Written by a Web development expert, the fifth edition of this trusted resource has been thoroughly revised and reorganized to address HTML5, the revolutionary new Web standard. The book covers all the elements supported in today's Web browsers--from the standard (X)HTML tags to the archaic and proprietary tags that may be encountered.
HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition contains full details on CSS 2.1 as well as every proprietary and emerging CSS3 property currently supported. Annotated examples of correct markup and style show you how to use all of these technologies to build impressive Web pages. Helpful appendixes cover the syntax of character entities, fonts, colors, and URLs. This comprehensive reference is an essential tool for professional Web developers. 

* Master transitional HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 markup
* Write emerging standards-based markup with HTML5
* Enhance presentation with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS1 and CSS 2.1)
* Learn proprietary and emerging CSS3 features
* Learn how to read (X)HTML document type definitions (DTDs)
* Apply everything in an open standards-focused fashion

Thomas A. Powell is president of PINT, Inc. (pint.com), a nationally recognized Web agency. He developed the Web Publishing Certificate program for the University of California, San Diego Extension and is an instructor for the Computer Science Department at UCSD. He is the author of the previous bestselling editions of this book and Ajax: The Complete Reference, and co-author of JavaScript: The Complete Reference.

HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition (Complete Reference Series) |
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 5 edition (January 15, 2010) 856 pages | PDF | Language: English
info : http://www.amazon.com/HTML-CSS-Complete-Reference-Fifth/dp/0071496297

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Pencil Sketching, 2nd Edition

 Book Description.
The complete, classic guide to the art of pencil sketching

Portable. Erasable. Inexpensive. No other single drawing tool is as versatile as the pencil. Through the centuries, generations of artists have used it to work out ideas, study form, and develop fundamental skills that are crucial to an artist's training.

Pencil Sketching has taught thousands of beginners the basic principles and techniques of pencil sketching. Carefully revised to meet the needs of today's artists, this edition features easy-to-follow instructions, dozens of new illustrations, and more-everything you need to explore the amazing potential of the pencil and learn to sketch with confidence.
* Techniques: shading, texture, value, line, strokes . . .
* Materials: pencils, papers, accessories . . .
* Skills: observation, recording, composition, sketching from memory . . .
* Subjects: trees, landforms, water, architecture, cityscapes . . .

Pencil Sketching, 2nd Edition  |
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (August 8, 2001) 128 pages | PDF | Language: Englishinfo : http://www.amazon.com/Pencil-Sketching-2nd-Thomas-Wang/dp/0471399191

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Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition: Covering 10.10 and 11.04 (6th Edition)

Book Description.
Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition presents advanced coverage of the popular Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Windows users, Mac users, and Linux enthusiasts have been increasingly turning to Ubuntu for a user-friendly and easy-to-use Linux distribution that remains useful to power users.

This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering Ubuntu. You will learn how to set up a workstation or a server, details on Ubuntu’s easy-to-use desktop and productivity software, and you will find topics of interest to both casual and serious developers.

Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition includes a range of coverage: From the software you need everyday for productivity and enjoyment, to how to configure your Linux desktop to run smoothly, to advanced topics like systems administration and software development, and much more.

Some books excel at helping beginners take baby steps. There is some beginning material in Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition. However, this book is intended for anyone who wants to move beyond the basics of using Ubuntu into the realm of an intermediate or advanced user.

  • Install and configure Ubuntu
  • Get all your system’s devices and peripherals up and running
  • Configure and customize your graphic user interface
  • Manage Linux services and users
  • Secure your machine and your network from intruders
  • Configure a firewall
  • Share files with Windows users using Samba
  • Get productive with office tools
  • Use multimedia programs
  • Play games
  • Set up and run various types of servers
  • Learn the basics of several programming languages
  • Learn how to write a software application quickly
  • Participate in Ubuntu QA testing
  • Tune your system for maximum performance
  • Learn to manage and compile the kernel and modules

Ubuntu 10.10 on DVD
DVD includes the full Ubuntu 10.10 distribution for Intel x86 computers as well as the complete OpenOffice.org office suite and hundreds of additional programs and utilities.
Free Upgrade!
Purchase this book anytime in 2011 and receive a free Ubuntu 11.04 Upgrade Kit by mail (U.S. or Canada only) after Ubuntu 11.04 is released.
See inside back cover for details.

Category: Operating Systems/Linux
Covers: Ubuntu 10.10
User Level: Intermediate—Advanced
Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition: Covering 10.10 and 11.04 (6th Edition)  |
Publisher: Sams; 6 edition (December 24, 2010) 864 pages | PDF | Language: English
info : http://www.amazon.com/Ubuntu-Unleashed-2011-Covering-10-10/dp/0672333449

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Adobe Photoshop Every Tool Explained

Every Tool Explained. There are 130 pages which are full of stop spamming, projects and tips on how to use Photoshop easily and how to get the best out of one of the best photo imaging programs out there.

Subjects covered in the book include Selection Tools in Photoshop:
  • Navigating and Editing Your Images
  • Using the Brushes and Pencil Tools
  • Using the Cloning and Healing Tools
  • The Gradient, Eraser and Fill Tools
  • Getting to Know the Effects Tools
  • Working with the Type Tool
  • Working with Paths, Vectors and Masks
  • Annotations, Notes and the Measure Tool
  • Creating Top Quality Artwork

Adobe Photoshop Every Tool Explained  | 
130 pages | PDF | Language: English

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The Times Illustrated History of Europe

Book Description.
In this illustrated work, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto looks at Europe as a whole, from the formation of its landmass to today's immensely complex and diverse continent. He attempts to answer questions such as: how has Europe been shaped?; what distinguishes it from the rest of the world?; and what does its future hold? In the text he examines every major period of Europe's history: the impact of early man; the influence of greece and Rome; the Barbarian invasions and the division of Europe; the Renaissance and Enlightenment; the effects of industrialization, nationalism and imperialism; Eurtope's "civil wars"; and the story of Europe since World War II.

The Times Illustrated History of Europe  |
Publisher: Harpercollins (January 1996)  223 pages | PDF | Language: English
info : http://www.amazon.com/Times-Illustrated-History-Europe/dp/0723007241

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Scythian Gold | Steppe Barrows Mystery

From the Publisher
Victor Azarov, a famous writer, author of several books on the origin of life on Earth and the stories of primitive peoples, the Russian offers readers a fascinating journey into the past.
In his book, he brings a lot of interesting data and hypotheses on the origin of of Slavonic and Scythian tribes ,the violent events of antiquity , which took place in the southern Russian steppes . The book reveals to readers the secrets of ancient history: from the Aryans and Cimmerians to the great Scythian Empire, and the grounds Savromat mother of Russian cities,

Scythian Gold | Steppe Barrows Mystery |
Publishers: Penguin Books, Algorithm, 2010 384 pages | PDF | Language: Russian Text
info : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Scythian-Gold-Ancient-History-Scythian-Empire-/300549996809

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The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash

Book Description.
The ActionScript 3.0 language brought a lot more power and flexibility to Flash, enabling developers to build powerful applications that hadn’t been possible before. One usage of this increased power is in processing 3D graphics, and many Open Source 3D engines sprang up. This scene has matured now, and there are a few clear winners in the 3D engine space – such as Away3D, Papervision3D and Sandy.
With the release of Flash CS4, Adobe added some basic 3D support into the main Flash IDE, increasing the public’s awareness of what’s possible. At the same time, the support they added was very basic, meaning that to perform any impressive functions developers still had to use a dedicated 3D engine, so the interest in these engines has grown and grown.
This is the first book to deal with the popular Away3D engine, and one of the first up-to-date books on 3D in Flash. It is written by the Away3D development team.

The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash | 
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (December 31, 2009) 350 pages | PDF | Language: English
info : http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Guide-3D-Flash/dp/1430225416

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Jumat, Januari 20

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life covers cultural groups in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa. Each volume is organized for quick reference by continent, cover history, politics, customs, religion, education, human rights issues, teen life and much more for culture groups such as Kurds, Amish, Germans and more than 500 others.
Each two- to six-page entry is written and reviewed by subject experts who have in-depth knowledge of a particular world culture and the skill to translate their knowledge int terms that students can understand. The Encyclopedia also gives students a visual learning experience with more than 250 photographs. And, a glossary of terms offers quick reference for difficult or foreign terms. 

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life |
Publisher: Gale Cengage (September 1999) 2812 pages | PDF | Language: English

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International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Twelve-Volume Set: Volume 12

Product Description
The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography provides an authoritative and comprehensive source of information on the discipline of human geography and its constituent, and related, subject areas. The encyclopedia includes over 1,000 detailed entries on philosophy and theory, key concepts, methods and practices, biographies of notable geographers, and geographical thought and praxis in different parts of the world.

This groundbreaking project covers every field of human geography and the discipline's relationships to other disciplines, and is global in scope, involving an international set of contributors. Given its broad, inclusive scope and unique online accessibility, it is anticipated that the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography will become the major reference work for the discipline over the coming decades.

International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Twelve-Volume Set: Volume 12 | 
Publisher: Elsevier Science (August 26, 2009) Nigel Thrift (Editor), Rob Kitchin (Editor) | 6524 pages | PDF | Language: English
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Encyclopedia of Religion, 15 Volume Set

Editorial Reviews
From Booklist
*Starred Review* The Encyclopedia of Religion, first published in 1987, sought "to introduce educated, nonspecialist readers to important ideas, practices, and persons in the religious experience of humankind from the Paleolithic past to our day." It had been some 65 years since the last volume of a similar effort, the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (New York: Scribner, 1911-22), was published, prompting two reviewers to prophesy that it was "extremely unlikely another encyclopedia of religion on this scale [would] appear in English for at least another generation." Just about a generation has passed, and the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Religion has appeared, right on schedule.

The second edition contains "well over five hundred new topics, nearly one thousand completely new articles, and 1.5 million more words than the original." In his preface, the editor provides an excellent service to readers by clearly distinguishing the differences in content between the two editions. All 2,750 entries from the first edition were examined for revision, 1,800 of them remaining essentially unchanged. 

While entries in both editions are signed, the name of the scholar is followed by the date 1987 in the new edition, thereby indicating the article is reprinted with few or no changes. When entries were updated for the second edition, either by the original author or by another scholar, a single name will be followed by two dates (1987 and 2005) or two names will be listed, each followed by one of the two years. The editors considered some articles from the first edition worthy of inclusion in the second but no longer state-of-the-art (e.g., Mysticism, Rites of passage, Sexuality). Here, the entry is reprinted with the title qualified by "First Edition" and is then followed by a completely new article with the same title but the qualifier "Further Considerations." Most, if not all, entries conclude with supplemental bibliographies, often updated even if the entry itself was not. When they have been updated, the new citations follow the original bibliography under the heading "New Sources."

Much is completely new to the second edition, most notably in the expansion of composite entries. Employed in the first edition, these composite entries consist of related sets of articles. Beginning with a general overview, articles that explore, for example, tradition-specific aspects of the Afterlife or geographical differences in Buddhism follow. Significant new composite entries have been added for Ecology and religion and Gender and religion, along with a significantly expanded composite entry for Law and religion. New religious movements is another area with enhanced coverage, including an expanded composite entry and new individual entries such as Branch Davidians; Hubbard, L. Ron; UFO religions; and Wicca. The important relationship between religion and science is explored in new entries for Bioethics and Genetics and religion, as well as a thoroughly revised entry for Science and religion. Each volume now contains a "visual essay"-basically plates of color illustrations with accompanying text on such topics as "Sacred Time" or "Efficacious Images"-that seeks "to demonstrate how pervasively visual culture permeates religion." Sadly, more than 50 new biographical entries have been added for scholars of religion who have passed away since the first edition was published. Included is the great Islamicist Annemarie Schimmel, one of the editors of the first edition of the Encyclopedia of Religion and this reviewer's teacher. Requiescat in pace.

Distinguishing content between the two editions is less clear when entries have been omitted or incorporated into another. A cursory review of one volume of the first edition produced a couple of examples. According to the excellent index, Muro Kyuso, a Japanese scholar of neo-Confucianism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, is nowhere to be found in the second edition. The entry for Nawrz, the Persian New Year, is now given brief mention in the article on Islamic religious year. Arguably, both are minor subjects in the greater scheme of the encyclopedia as a whole, but their omission does suggest that consideration be given to keeping both editions handy.

Volume 15 contains, in addition to the index, a "Synoptic Outline of Contents" which sorts entry headings under topics related to either individual religions and religious traditions or religious studies. Also in this volume is an appendix with 21 entries that could not be included in the main A-Z portion of the encyclopedia "due to time constraints."

Academic specialists may uncover some factual errors in this second edition and may well quibble with the presentation of material by their colleagues. But as reviewers of the first edition remarked-an assessment equally true today-the Encyclopedia of Religion "will indeed provide a generation of users with valuable summaries and analyses of the best of current scholarship in the field of religion." If the encyclopedia has any major flaw, it is the choice of color for the binding. While the gold lettering against the white binding is handsome indeed, the volumes will soon be soiled should the set receive anything close to the use it so richly deserves. Highly recommended for academic and large public libraries Christopher McConnell

Encyclopedia of Religion, 15 Volume Set | 
Publisher: Macmillan Reference USA; 2 edition (December 17, 2004) Lindsay Jones (Editor) | 11000 pages | PDF | Language: English
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Kamis, Januari 19

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security

I might knock a star or two off of the Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security if the books were intended for graduate students or intended as a substitute for professional level publications by security specialists, but there are few resources in this area that bring such clear writing and scientific expertise to younger students and the general public. The books are written from a global perspective (the editors are in the U.K. and the advisory board is diverse and internationally based), and touch on global issues and organizations. These books also offer excellent insight into the tumultuous reorganization of the United States security agencies and the complexities of problems brought about by the concept of homeland security. The typical Anti-American/pro-European world view is restrained, and criticism is directed at organizations, agencies, and politics on both sides of the Atlantic. It is refreshing to see a resource on this topic written by scientists and teachers rather than another insider "tell all." There are some errors and omissions (I would have liked to have seen greater coverage of Asian issues), but it is good to discover a resource in this area that is dedicated to fact rather than opinion. Perhaps most important for students is that the editors and publishers were unselfish in directing readers to excellent outside resources for more advanced study. The reference resources, especially the glossary, included at the end of each volume are outstanding and helpful to all students and researchers. 

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security |
Publisher: Gale; 1 edition (November 18, 2003) K. Lee Lerner (Editor), Brenda Wilmoth Lerner (Editor) | 447 pages | PDF | Language: English
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The Art of Prolog, Second Edition: Advanced Programming Techniques (Logic Programming)

Book Description
This new edition of The Art of Prolog contains a number of important changes. Most background sections at the end of each chapter have been updated to take account of important recent research results, the references have been greatly expanded, and more advanced exercises have been added which have been used successfully in teaching the course.

Part II, The Prolog Language, has been modified to be compatible with the new Prolog standard, and the chapter on program development has been significantly altered: the predicates defined have been moved to more appropriate chapters, the section on efficiency has been moved to the considerably expanded chapter on cuts and negation, and a new section has been added on stepwise enhancement—a systematic way of constructing Prolog programs developed by Leon Sterling.

All but one of the chapters in Part III, Advanced Prolog Programming Techniques, have been substantially changed, with some major rearrangements. A new chapter on interpreters describes a rule language and interpreter for expert systems, which better illustrates how Prolog should be used to construct expert systems. The chapter on program transformation is completely new and the chapter on logic grammars adds new material for recognizing simple languages, showing how grammars apply to more computer science examples.

The Art of Prolog, Second Edition: Advanced Programming Techniques (Logic Programming) |
Publisher: The MIT Press; 2 edition (March 10, 1994) Leon Sterling (Author), Ehud Shapiro (Author) | 560 pages | PDF | Language: English
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Pro PHP Refactoring with Test Driven Design (Expert's Voice in Open Source)

Book Description
Pro PHP: Refactoring with Test Driven Design is the first book dedicated to showing how TDD and refactoring can be applied specifically to PHP code. There are a great many sites written in PHP, but that code is often hammered together hastily, leading to problems with usability, scaling, etc. This book shows developers how to identify the reasons for these problems and apply TDD principles to fix them quickly and efficiently.

Pro PHP Refactoring with Test Driven Design (Expert's Voice in Open Source) |
Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (February 1, 2010) Francesco Trucchia (Author), Jacopo Romei (Author) | 350 pages | PDF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.com/Refactoring-Driven-Design-Experts-Source/dp/1430227273/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1327027013&sr=8-1
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Professional PHP Programming

This book covers middle-tier programming with PHP.
PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language. It is an open source technology, rapidly gaining popularity as a scripting language for people running dynamic websites. One of its major attractions over Perl, JavaScript and other scripting languages is that PHP has a built-in database integration layer and seamless IP connectivity, with LDAP and TCP as well as the IMAP mail interface. Features;
Real world, practical experience and techniques
From installation and configuration of the PHP engine to advanced dynamic application design
Definitive coverage of core PHP language and database addressing:
MySQL is covered in depth.
Practical e-commerce and business scripting including database application development, together with PHP and XML applications.
LDAP connectivity addressed.

Professional PHP Programming |
Publisher: Peer Information Inc.; 1 edition (December 15, 1999) Jesus M. Castagnetto (Author), Harish Rawat (Author), Deepak T. Veliath (Author) | 909 pages | PDF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.com/Professional-PHP-Programming-Jesus-Castagnetto/dp/1861002963/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1326961802&sr=8-11
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Teach Yourself VISUALLY Bass Guitar

Book Description
Do you learn faster by seeing and doing than by wading through tedious instructions? Then pick up a bass guitar and start plucking! With Teach Yourself VISUALLY Bass Guitar, you'll quickly progress from playing notes to experimenting with plucking and slap-and-pop techniques. You'll learn about tuning, fretboard fingerings, alternate fingerings, down picking, palm muting, and more. The bass usually sets the tempo, so you'll learn basic note values plus common popular rhythms from straight rock to syncopated reggae. Downloadable MP3 files on wiley.com complement the book and let you hear exactly how things are supposed to sound as you play.

Concise two-page lessons show you all the steps to a skill and are ideal for quick review;
  • Each skill or technique is defined and described
  • Step-by-step instructions accompany each photo
  • Detailed color photos demonstrate each step
  • Helpful tips provide additional guidance

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Bass Guitar | Publisher: Visual; 1 edition (December 18, 2006) Ryan C. Williams (Author), Richard Hammond (Author) | 304 pages | PDF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.com/Teach-Yourself-VISUALLY-Bass-Guitar/dp/0470048506/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326960678&sr=8-1
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Password : the-recyclebin.

Sabtu, Januari 7

Practical Android Projects

Book Description
Take a practical approach to becoming a leading-edge Android developer, learning by example while combining the many technologies needed to create a successful, up-to-date web app.

Practical Android Projects
introduces the Android software development kit and development tools of the trade, and then dives into building cool-looking and fun apps that put Android's amazing capabilities to work. Android is the powerful, full-featured, open source mobile platform that powers phones like Google Nexus, Motorola Droid, Samsung Galaxy S, and a variety of HTC phones and tablet computers.

This book helps you quickly get Android projects up and running with the free and open source Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA IDEs. Then you build and extend mobile applications using the Android SDK, Java, Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A), and languages such as Python, Ruby, Javascript/HTML, Flex/AIR, and Lua.

What you’ll learn

In Practical Android Projects, you’ll work on real-world projects such as:
  • Hosting an Android BASIC interpreter
  • Extending your Java-based Android applications with embedded Lua
  • Scripting your Android device with SL4A
  • Adding Twitter and Facebook to your applications
  • Using 2D graphics and animations for casual games
  • Creating cross-platform apps with Javascript/HTML and Flex with AIR

Who this book is for

Practical Android Projects is for any developer new to the Android platform who wants to learn to build mobile applications. Knowledge of the fundamentals of Java programming is assumed.

Table of Contents

  1. Android Fundamentals 
  2. Development Tools in Practice
  3. Roll Your Own Android Scripting Environment
  4. Embedding Lua in Android Applications 
  5. Introducing SL4A: The Scripting Layer for Android 
  6. Creating a GUI with HTML/JavaScript and AIR
  7. Using REST with Facebook and Twitter
  8. Using the Google App Engine with Android
  9. Game Development: Graphics
  10. Game Development: Animation
  11. App Inventor 

Practical Android Projects | Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (February 22, 2011)  Author: Lucas Jordan, Pieter Greyling | 424  pages | PDF | Language: English
info:   http://www.amazon.com/Practical-Android-Projects-Books-Professionals/dp/1430232439 

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Beginning JavaScript, 3rd Edition

Book Descrition
JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to enhance static web applications by providing dynamic, personalized, and interactive content. This improves the experience of visitors to your site and makes it more likely that they will visit again. You must have seen the flashy drop-down menus, moving text, and changing content that are now widespread on web sites—they are enabled through JavaScript. Supported by all the major browsers, JavaScript is the language of choice on the Web. It can even be used outside web applications—to automate administrative tasks, for example.

This book aims to teach you all you need to know to start experimenting with JavaScript: what it is, how it works, and what you can do with it. Starting from the basic syntax, you'll move on to learn how to create powerful web applications. Don't worry if you've never programmed before—this book will teach you all you need to know, step by step. You'll find that JavaScript can be a great introduction to the world of programming: with the knowledge and understanding that you'll gain from this book, you'll be able to move on to learn newer and more advanced technologies in the world of computing.

In order to get the most out of this book, you'll need to have an understanding of HTML and how to create a static web page. You don't need to have any programming experience.
This book will also suit you if you have some programming experience already, and would like to turn your hand to web programming. You will know a fair amount about computing concepts, but maybe not as much about web technologies.

Alternatively, you may have a design background and know relatively little about the Web and computing concepts. For you, JavaScript will be a cheap and relatively easy introduction to the world of programming and web application development.

Whoever you are, we hope that this book lives up to your expectations.
You'll begin by looking at exactly what JavaScript is, and taking your first steps with the underlying language and syntax. You'll learn all the fundamental programming concepts, including data and data types, and structuring your code to make decisions in your programs or to loop over the same piece of code many times.
Once you're comfortable with the basics, you'll move on to one of the key ideas in JavaScript—the object. You'll learn how to take advantage of the objects that are native to the JavaScript language, such as dates and strings, and find out how these objects enable you to manage complex data and simplify your programs. Next, you'll see how you can use JavaScript to manipulate objects made available to you in the browser, such as forms, windows, and other controls. Using this knowledge, you can start to create truly professional-looking applications that enable you to interact with the user.

Long pieces of code are very hard to get right every time—even for the experienced programmer—and JavaScript code is no exception. You look at common syntax and logical errors, how you can spot them, and how to use the Microsoft Script Debugger to aid you with this task. Also, you need to examine how to handle the errors that slip through the net, and ensure that these do not detract from the experience of the end user of your application.

From here, you'll move on to more advanced topics, such as using cookies and jazzing up your web pages with dynamic HTML and XML. Finally, you'll be looking at a relatively new and exciting technology, remote scripting. This allows your JavaScript in a HTML page to communicate directly with a server, and useful for, say, looking up information on a database sitting on your server. If you have the Google toolbar you'll have seen something like this in action already. When you type a search word in the Google toolbar, it comes up with suggestions, which it gets via the Google search database.

All the new concepts introduced in this book will be illustrated with practical examples, which enable you to experiment with JavaScript and build on the theory that you have just learned. The appendix provides solutions to the exercises included at the end of most chapters throughout the book.
During the first half of the book, you'll also be building up a more complex sample application—an online trivia quiz—which will show you how JavaScript is used in action in a real-world situation.

Beginning JavaScript, 3rd Edition | Publisher: Wrox; 3 edition (May 21, 2007)  Author: Jeremy McPeak, Paul Wilton | 792  pages | PDF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-JavaScript-3rd-Programmer/dp/0470051515

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Professional JavaScript Frameworks: Prototype,YUI, ExtJS, Dojo and MooTools (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Book Description
JavaScript is the industry standard client-side scripting language that is used in web applications.Professional JavaScript Frameworks: Prototype, YUI, Ext JS, Dojo and MooTools offers an examination of some of the top JavaScript (JS) frameworks that are available, with practical examples and explanations of what each does best.

Over the past few years, there’s been a small renaissance in JavaScript as a language. A variety of projects have sprung up to build reusable JS libraries and frameworks — and at this point, a good number of them have matured and shown staying power that they’re worth taking a serious look at and relying on in professional projects.

JavaScript has grown in popularity in parallel with the Web and today is supported by all major browsers and new web technologies. JavaScript has been extended over time to deliver high-performing and incredibly impressive Web user experiences, using technologies including Adobe Flash, AJAX, and Microsoft Silverlight.

As JavaScript is used increasingly for “serious” development on the Web, the lessons that have been learned and the tools that have been invented along the way are being consolidated and shared by developers in the form of libraries and frameworks. However, since JavaScript is such a flexible and dynamic language, each framework can present very different approaches to the problems of web development — each with its own pros and cons.

Coverage of the individual libraries and frameworks includes:
  • Prototype: Extending and Enhancing DOM Elements
  • Prototype: Handling Cross-Browser Events
  • Prototype: Simplifying AJAX and Dynamic Data
  • Prototype: Working with Forms
  • Prototype: Manipulating Common Data Structures and Functions
  • Prototype: Extending Prototype
  • Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI): Traversing and Manipulating the DOM with YUI
  • YUI: Handling Cross-Browser Events
  • YUI: Using Animation and Drag and Drop
  • YUI: Simplifying AJAX and Dynamic Loading
  • YUI: Building User Interfaces with Widgets
  • Enhancing Development with the YUI Core
  • YUI: Dealing with Data, Tables, and Charts
  • Working with YUI CSS Tools
  • Building and Deploying YUI
  • ExtJS: Architecture and Library Conventions
  • ExtJS: Elements, DomHelper, and Templates
  • ExtJS: Components, Layouts, and Windows
  • ExtJS: Handling Data and Talking with the Server
  • ExtJS: DataViews and Grids
  • ExtJS: Form Controls, Validation
  • Dojo: Enhancing Development with Dojo Core
  • Dojo: Manipulating the DOM
  • Dojo: Handling Events
  • Dojo: Composing Animations
  • Dojo: Working with AJAX and Dynamic Data
  • Dojo: Building User Interfaces with Widgets
  • Building and Deploying Dojo
  • Expanding Dojo
  • Enhancing Development with MooTools
  • MooTools: Manipulating the DOM and Handling Events
  • MooTools: Simplifying AJAX and Handling Dynamic Data
  • MooTools: Building User Interfaces and Using Animation

    Professional JavaScript Frameworks: |
    Publisher: Wrox; 1 edition (August 31, 2009) Author:Leslie M. Orchard, Ara Pehlivanian, Scott Koon, Harley Jones,| 888 pages | PDF | Language: English
    info: http://www.amazon.com/Professional-JavaScript-Frameworks-Prototype-Programmer/dp/047038459X

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CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions 2nd Edition

Product Description
Building on what made the first edition a bestseller, CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions, Second Edition unites the disparate information on CSS-based design spread throughout the internet into one definitive, modern guide. Revised to cover CSS3, the book can be read from front to back, with each chapter building on the previous one. However, it can also be used as a reference book, dipping into each chapter or technique to help solve specific problems. In short, this is the one book on CSS that you need to have.
This second edition contains:

  • New examples and updated browser support information
  • New case studies from Simon Collison and Cameron Moll
  • CSS3 examples, showing new CSS3 features, and CSS3 equivalents to tried and tested CSS2 techniques

What you’ll learn

  • The best practice concepts in CSS design.
  • The most important (and tricky) parts of CSS
  • Identify and fix the most common CSS problems
  • How to deal with the most common bugs
  • Completely up to date browser support information
  • Covers CSS3 as well as CSS2 showing you the future of CSS

Who this book is for

This book will be aimed towards intermediate web designers/developers, although the examples should be simple enough for novice designers/developers with a basic understanding of CSS to grasp. Readers will probably have read beginner/intermediate instructional books such as Web Standards Solutions and will be looking for more practical and in-depth information. This book is likely to have a broad appeal, attracting intermediate developers wanting to improve their skills as well as advanced developers wanting a useful reference.

The CSS 2/3 content of the book is delivered in a way that allows readers to learn CSS2 techniques that they can implement now in professional work, and then gem up on CSS3 techniques if they want to start looking towards the future.

Table of Contents

  1. Setting the Foundations
  2. Getting Your Styles to Hit the Target
  3. Visual Formatting Model Overview
  4. Using Backgrounds for Effect
  5. Styling Links
  6. Styling Lists and Creating Nav Bars
  7. Styling Forms and Data Tables
  8. Layout
  9. Bugs and Bug Fixing
CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions 2nd Edition | Publisher: FRIENDS OF ED; 2nd Revised edition edition (2 Nov 2009) Simon Collison,Andy Budd, Cameron Moll
| 366 pages | PDF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.co.uk/CSS-Mastery-Advanced-Standards-Solutions/dp/1430223979

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Encyclopedia of the Blues

Book Description

From Booklist
This encyclopedia is devoted to covering the blues as a musical form while also exploring its historical and cultural foundations. The 2,100 entries, written by 140 scholars and musicians, are arranged alphabetically and range in length from brief definitions (a couple of sentences) to long, analytical articles (5,000 words). Access is aided by both an alphabetical and a thematic list of entries as well as a comprehensive subject, people, and song-title index. There is also some cross-referencing between related entries. Although the text is occasionally supplemented with black-and-white photographs, the aesthetic appeal would have been greater with more pictures, particularly given the large number of biographical entries. The majority of entries are indeed biographical, covering performers, historians, songwriters, and label owners. Coverage is also heavily weighted toward record labels ( Irma, Matchbox). Other, less-represented areas of coverage include musical styles, forms, techniques, and instruments ( Field hollers, Funk, Scales); specific regions ( Africa, Chicago); the historiography of the blues ( Libraries, Periodicals); cultural aspects of the blues ( Racial issues and the blues, Women and the blues); business aspects ( Chitlin Circuit, Marketing); and individual songs (" Mustang Sally, " " Stormy Monday"). Each entry ends with a bibliography of further reading, and each biographical entry also has a discography. In the case of major musicians, a list of selected recordings and reissues is also included. References rely heavily on a short list of "frequently cited sources" that wisely includes the All Music Guide to the Blues (Backbeat, 2003) and Robert Santelli's The Big Book of Blues: A Biographical Encyclopedia (Penguin, 1993).

Libraries with access to the above-referenced blues titles or the Grove Music Online database already offer basic coverage for mainstream questions about the blues, but this encyclopedia clearly fills a gap by offering multifaceted coverage in one place. The blues, when treated as an encyclopedic subject, often gets lumped together with jazz, folk, or gospel; it is rare to see it stand on its own. This encyclopedia is more comprehensive than the last attempt at a solely blues encyclopedia, the same-titled Encyclopedia of the Blues (University of Arkansas, 1997). Recommended for all music libraries and all libraries supporting blues scholars. Susan Gardner
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

'An impressive list of contributors ... Besides being rich with biographical entries, this Encyclopedia also includes entries for important record labels, instruments, styles, geographic regions, aspects of the business, and additional topics that have been lacking in other encyclopedic efforts ... This is a valuable addition to the reference shelf of blues literature ... Highly recommended.' - Choice

'This two-volume A-to-Z set effectively categorizes the history of the blues. A great benefit is that the book features blues artists from all time periods, and the number of obscure blues artists listed in remarkable. Essential for any library collecting the history of the blues.' -- Library Journal

'In this two-volume Encyclopedia, Komara provides about 2100 entries, both brief and extensive, on the blues, its history, culture, roots, contemporary styles, artists, historians, songwriters, record labels, forms, characteristics, instruments, songs, regions, historiography, music business, and related forms. Discographies and bibliographiesfor each entry are included, as well as a thematic list of entries and an index in each volume.' --Reference & Research Book News

"A great deal of useful material is enclosed within the two sets of covers. It spreads a broader and deeper net than the late Sheldon Harris’s Blues Who’s Who (1979), going beyond individual musicians, and it includes broader headings such as regions/states; musical styles and techniques; instruments; points of cultural interest; historiography; record labels; related art forms; specific 'major' songs. These longer entries are quite good, well-researched and well-written, worth knowing about and using." --Peter B. Lowry, Western Folklore, volume 68, nos. 2-3 (2009)

Gale.Building Blocks of Matter (MacMillan Science Library) | Publisher: Routledge (October 28, 2005) 1440 pages | PDF | Language: English
info: http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Blues-Set-Edward-Komara/dp/0415926998 

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The Photoshop Darkroom: Creative Digital Post-Processing

Book Description 
The Photoshop Darkroom offers limitless possibilities for photographers looking for jaw-dropping results, using powerful and innovative creative post-processing techniques. If you want folks to ask "How did you do that?" then this is the book for you! 
The images in The Photoshop Darkroom will inspire you and help you unleash your creative potential. You'll learn to view your own digital photography with new eyes.
Step-by-step directions show you real-world examples of how to achieve the results you want from your photography and post-processing. 

*Learn how to work with RAW image files
*Understand the Photoshop darkroom workflow
*Multi-process RAW files
*Extend the dynamic range of your photographs
*Create High Dynamic Range (HDR) images by hand
*Create stunning black and white imagery with Photoshop
*Use layers and masking for compositing
*Create striking color effects using LAB color 

The Photoshop Darkroom: Creative Digital Post-Processing | Publisher: Focal Press; 1 edition (October 8, 2009) | Author: Harold Davis | PDF | 208 pages |  Language: English | 
info: http://www.amazon.com/Photoshop-Darkroom-Creative-Digital-Post-Processing/dp/024081259X

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