Minggu, Januari 29

Scythian Gold | Steppe Barrows Mystery

From the Publisher
Victor Azarov, a famous writer, author of several books on the origin of life on Earth and the stories of primitive peoples, the Russian offers readers a fascinating journey into the past.
In his book, he brings a lot of interesting data and hypotheses on the origin of of Slavonic and Scythian tribes ,the violent events of antiquity , which took place in the southern Russian steppes . The book reveals to readers the secrets of ancient history: from the Aryans and Cimmerians to the great Scythian Empire, and the grounds Savromat mother of Russian cities,

Scythian Gold | Steppe Barrows Mystery |
Publishers: Penguin Books, Algorithm, 2010 384 pages | PDF | Language: Russian Text
info : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Scythian-Gold-Ancient-History-Scythian-Empire-/300549996809

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