Minggu, Januari 29

The Times Illustrated History of Europe

Book Description.
In this illustrated work, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto looks at Europe as a whole, from the formation of its landmass to today's immensely complex and diverse continent. He attempts to answer questions such as: how has Europe been shaped?; what distinguishes it from the rest of the world?; and what does its future hold? In the text he examines every major period of Europe's history: the impact of early man; the influence of greece and Rome; the Barbarian invasions and the division of Europe; the Renaissance and Enlightenment; the effects of industrialization, nationalism and imperialism; Eurtope's "civil wars"; and the story of Europe since World War II.

The Times Illustrated History of Europe  |
Publisher: Harpercollins (January 1996)  223 pages | PDF | Language: English
info : http://www.amazon.com/Times-Illustrated-History-Europe/dp/0723007241

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